Das Mysterium des Lebens’, dieses Thema zieht sich wie ein roter Faden durch das gesamte Werk der Künstlerin Andrea Bauer. Derzeit beschäftigt sich Andrea Bauer intensiv mit der Fotografie. Besonders die Makrofotografie, Minimalart und Naturfotografie fasziniert sie. |
The artist ANDREA BAUER born on 13.03.1965 in Vienna, Austria, lives and works in Vienna, Austria. Several solo exhibitions in Austria. A commercial education at the Vienna, Austria Business School was followed by years of artistically education at the Künstlerische Volkshochschule in Vienna and many years of self-studies. “Life is a mystery, ‘The mystery of life’, this theme runs like a red string through the whole work of the artist Andrea Bauer. The series of her work are reflecting single aspects of this main-theme. According to which aspect of life the artist wants to show she changes the painting materials, techniques, forms and colours. Andrea Bauer is currently working intensively in the field of photography. She is faszinated by macro, minimal art and nature photography. |